Welcome To New Day Church

What to expect

We're Glad You're Here

Join us at New Day, where a warm welcome awaits you upon your arrival. Our dedicated host team will greet you and offer beverages from our complimentary cafe. Experience the comfort of our foyer while you sip your coffee and visit. We have an exceptional kids program that will teach the word of God in a fun and engaging way while you participate in the service. Lift your heart in worship as our talented team leads three uplifting songs, followed by a message that offers valuable guidance and practical application directly from scripture. We can't wait to see you at New Day Church!


Your Experience Starts At The Door

Our Amazing Kids Program

Christ Centered Worship

Teaching from the Word of God

Our Community

Our Complimentary Café

Your Experience Starts At The Door

Our Amazing Kids Program

Christ Centered Worship

Teaching from the Word of God

Our Community

Our Complimentary Café

Frequently Asked Questions:

What should I expect when I walk in?

When you visit our church, you’ll be greeted with a smile by our friendly Host Team! You are welcome to stop by our New Day Cafe and order a free coffee, tea, or seasonal beverage. Feel free to enjoy your beverage in the foyer or take it into the auditorium with you for the service. Additionally, please stop by our “New Here” Welcome Center for a free gift and a tour of the building!

Where do I sit?

There is plenty of seating for you in the auditorium, or if you prefer, you can watch the service from the foyer! We have plenty of comfortable seating and will be livestreaming the services on multiple televisions.

What should I wear?

At New Day, our motto is “Casual Dress, Serious Faith!” We prioritize our focus on helping you grow in your relationship with Jesus. That said, you’re welcome to wear any appropriate clothing that you would wear in public. Most weeks, you’ll see our Lead Pastor, Mike, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans.

What time are your services?

Each campus may have different service times. To see the service times for the campus closest to you, please scroll to the top of this page and click “Locations.” All service times listed are in Eastern Time.

How long are your services?

Our services are 60-65 minutes. We start with about 15 minutes of worship music, followed by announcements, and then the 40 minute sermon.

How many songs do you sing?

We sing 3 contemporary songs each week, totaling about 15 minutes.

What do you believe?

To see our statement of beliefs, click here!

What experiences do you have for kids?

We have an amazing Kids’ program that encompasses all kids from birth to 7th grade! If your child falls into these ages, click here to take a look at the programs that we have for them. Each program takes place during all of our service times. If your child is past 7th grade, we encourage them to join us for service in the auditorium! If you’d rather keep your child with you during service, we have plenty of family seating in the foyer.

What experiences do you offer online?

We strive to make our Church Online experience just as interactive as if you attended in person! When you visit live.newdaychurch.cc for service, you can watch worship and the sermon just as you would if you were in person. You’ll have access to the lesson notes and a Bible, and you can use the chat to talk to our amazing Online Host team and anyone else attending service online with you! Our online services take place at 8:30, 10:00, and 11:30 Eastern Time.

Does New Day Church have a membership program?

At New Day, we don’t have a membership program, meaning that you don’t have to sign up to “join the church.” Our church exists to help you get to know Jesus, no matter where you come from or how long you’ve been attending. If you’re interested in getting involved more at New Day, see the next question!

What’s my next step?

At New Day, we exist to Make disciples. A “disciple” is someone who learns the words and ways of Jesus. If you’d like to take the next step in your faith or in your involvement at New Day, please let us know by filling out our “Ask a Question” form here. Just let us know that you’re wondering about your next step!

What groups do you offer?

We offer several small groups, including various topic-based groups, Bible study groups, and fellowship groups. We know that you’ll be able to find a group that you love! To access our current digital catalog, click here. Keep an eye on this page as we start new semesters multiple times throughout the year!


The mission of New Day Kids is the same as New Day Church: to make, mark, and mature followers of Jesus.



Spark is on Sunday mornings during all three services for 5th-7th graders. We strive to spark an authentic faith in our preteens through large group games and small group discussions.


Our mission at Ignite is to Make, Mark, and Mature teenage followers of Jesus! We do this through relatable Bible teachings, personal small groups, and, of course, a whole lot of fun!
Ignite meets each Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30 pm at our Enfield campus. All students in grades 8-12 are welcome to attend!

Check out our IGNITE instagram page!

Join our Parents Portal

Adding yourself to this portal will enable you to receive weekly emails from our Youth Pastor concerning youth group, youth events, and youth curriculum.

Click to Join

Jack Duga

Youth Pastor

To connect with Jack,
our Youth Pastor, click here.

Lily Fondakowski

Kids Pastor

To connect with Lily,
our Kids Pastor, click here.

Ignite Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect when I walk in?

You'll be greeted by one of our volunteers, and we'll show you around! You can expect to see lots of students from 8th to 12th grade. We have games set up for you to enjoy between 6:30 and 7:00, or, you can just hang out with friends until the program starts!

What do you do at Ignite?

We start off each week with a game designed for large groups. This usually lasts for about 20 minutes, at which point we will announce any upcoming events before moving into the sermon. Our sermons last about 15-20 minutes. At the end of each sermon, you'll discuss the message with your small group!

What are Ignite small groups?

Ignite small groups are where we discuss what we learned in the sermon. They take place during Ignite - no need to sign up for anything separately! The small group you'll be in is determined by your grade and gender.

Who leads the small groups?

Each small group is led by a pair of trained and dedicated leaders. Our leaders serve every week, so you'll have the same leaders throughout the year! All of our volunteers complete background checks before serving at Ignite.

How do I stay up to date with what's happening at Ignite?

You can do this by joining our parents portal! Use the link above to join.

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